Friday, May 02, 2008

Miss Information

For my own misunderstandings of the concept 'Object Oriented' I must apologize. I have, in attempts to explain Moodle's acronym, misrepresented the concept.

In my recent explorations of Ruby on Rails and Yahoo Pipes, I actually learned what Object Oriented means. I also learned some other cool things which were new to me like the difference between scripted and compiled programs. Anyway, the true meaning of an object oriented language is reflected here.

Which totally also makes sense, because I did know that this is how Moodle works...I just got confused with the end-user WYSIWYG experience. I learned also, of course, about some of the cool features of these programs and managed to pull together at least one decent pipe with the help of a tutorial.

And so I now attempt to clarify my role of 'Missinformation Provider' to 'Miss Information Provider.' Surely I'm not the first person to blog about their own mass distribution of misinformation.... LOL. This is officially my attempt at transparency and openness regarding my own misstatement in the true marketing 2.0 spirit. I promise to do more homework next time and make sure I keep you in the loop when I do realize my errors.