Monday, June 30, 2008

ICOT in the NECC

Caught up in the net of NECC even though I'm nowhere near. Not that there's anything wrong with that (but we can all only run away from home so often ;-) )...a variety of my Google Reader feeds and Summize alerts (trackable through GReader) keep me in the loop on the news and notes at NECC 2008.

Amazing what you can observe when a whole bunch of people at the same session tweet at the same time...not to put to fine a point on it, and not to name names but when 'this session is boring' gets tweeted with a topic name all in the same span of time you kind of get the picture...crazy.

Haven't even glanced at the NECC Google Trends but I think we can safely assume there has been a spike as of late.

So the moment that prompted this post was actually the locating of ICOT (ISTE's Classroom Observation Tool). We need more open and/or free assessment resources like this one.

Catch the fire...